
Why isn't it more common for public toilets to provide supplies when in an emergency?

  • Good question.
  • Ummm, the patriarchy 🤣
  • There should definitely be free supply of several kinds of period products/toilet roll/hand wash/privacy.
  • Not sure!! Would be good.
  • Because they’re not considered a necessity by the people allocating funding.
  • Don’t know. Some community centres and churches are great with stuff and options. It’s the shopping centres that charge £5 a tampon that suck.
  • I don’t know.
  • I guess because people would take more than one for various reasons and so it would end up costing more than you’d expect.
  • Products are expensive. People take more than they need.
  • Well who’s in charge? And who’s dictating the world we live in? And who seems what is necessary versus not? If the people running the show don’t deal with periods, supplies aren’t even on their radar because they’ve never had to deal with that situation.
  • The patriarchy.
  • Not cheap.
  • Because men design public toilets, probably.
  • Yeppp.
  • Must be down to the cost, this would be a dream though – I get caught out a lot and rely on women to help me.
  • Misogyny.
  • You tell me!
  • Probably fear of theft.
  • Ask the men who designed these spaces? We all have to ask for these things, not just the women, the men too.
  • Good question! I wouldn’t even mind paying if they had a vending machine, which I feel used to be much more common. I see lots of restaurants and bars offering free tampons in their bathrooms lately.
  • Probably funding and awareness.
  • Because public toilets are designed as if women are the same as men and men don’t need the supplies so why should women?
  • I don't know, but it should be.
  • You tell me! It's rubbish.
  • Because it isn't free, maybe they think people will steal them all.
  • See podcast and book Visible Women. Men are the standard, the designers and company owners are men, the world is made for men and not women.
  • It’s not considered a necessity. I love that at my workplace now for the first time ever the office manager always keep some supplies in most of the toilets 😍
  • Likely because it only affects women (although obviously this is a generalisation as many transmen still have periods!) so it is not seen as a funding priority.
  • Yes, but keep them really tidy and clean, maybe in a safe box.
  • No idea – the cost of having someone restock and maintain? Fear of vandalism or people not disposing of products in the bin, blocking toilets? Poor cleaning schedules?
  • It's expensive to provide I guess.
  • The toilets are too small these days. Vending machines get vandalised and need coins.
  • I have no idea it's stupid.
  • Because patriarchy.
  • Designed by men.
  • Your guess is as good as mine. It’s very stressful.
  • Because it costs money and time to stock them.
  • Embarrassment? Upkeep? Cost? Inadequate government spending on female medical issues?
  • Misogyny.
  • They don't want the bother I guess, it's usually men who are involved. They don't relate, too expensive. Not their problem?
  • I don't know.
  • Because we consider it a women's need, not a societal need. Women are not considered equal in the patriarchy, so our needs are not seen as one of society, it's our need only.
  • I wouldn't use products I find in a public toilet.
  • No idea.
  • Not sure.
  • I hadn't even thought of that – I am so used to women just putting up with things.
  • I have no idea – because the products aren’t cheap?
  • I have found that a lot more bathrooms do offer free period supplies now, but generally I’m not sure. Misogyny maybe!
  • Because public services barely pay the people who save our lives a decent wage, how can they find the cash to pay for sanitary products?
  • On a side note, WeWork offers free sanitary products in their bathrooms.
  • I assume it’s because people who experience periods are not involved in planning public toilets or the budget for them.
  • I would say because a lot of institutions are run by men and they just don't consider it to be necessary.
  • Why? I don't know, it's stupid. Also more bathrooms should provide a sink inside the actual toilet. Makes it easier to empty and sanitise your menstrual cup.
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