
What are the most annoying things you hear about periods from people who don't experience it?

  • "It's probably because she's on her period."
  • Just the silence that surrounds it. I wish it could just be spoken about, like a migraine.
  • “It hurts like being kicked in the balls.” Patronising or not listening, assuming hormones means you don’t mean what you’re feeling and saying.
  • Oh it’s that time of the month as an explanation for someone’s behaviour.
  • A generally pervasive attitude that they’re gross. You don’t want to hear that if you’re already feeling bloated and sore (and scared you’ve leaked on your trousers!).
  • “Can’t be that bad!” is probably the worst. But we have had years to get used to the pain and the rhythm of life and periods…
  • That it’s not painful, we’re being “too sensitive” or being told we’re “too emotional” or that we need to suck it up.
  • To suck it up and get used to it because you have them every month.
  • Being told you’re stressed or in a mood because you’re on your period.
  • That the emotional and mental aspect of a period makes a person crazy. Emotions and feelings during that time of the month are still valid, and deserve to be treated as such instead of being dismissed.
  • Disdain.
  • That it doesn’t hurt.
  • “I can’t believe you’ve got this until menopause.”
  • When I was young, boys tended to make fun of it, making me feel like I'm disgusting.
  • The shame around periods; leaking, the mental stuff. Men using it as an insult. I'd love to see them bleed out of their penis once a month, feel utterly mad and have stabbing pains in their body.
  • Just a lack of understanding about how debilitating the pain can be.
  • That our decision making might be affected by being on our periods. And the sexist assumption that we "must be on our periods" if we express rage or emotion.
  • That they are inherently tied to being 'a woman' – not all who menstruate are women and not all women menstruate!!
  • Periods are disgusting and unhygienic.
  • That it’s part of life and you “just have to get on with it.”
  • That it's disgusting and unclean. And that it only lasts one or two days.
  • That they’re gross or don’t want to hear about it or that they’re not that bad. Basically, I don’t want to hear them claim anything about periods since they know little about them.
  • "You must be PMSing."
  • Leaking out of your pants and it going on your clothes.
  • Accusing people of being on their period when they react angrily or assertively to something regardless of whether the reaction is legitimate or an unreasonable outburst.
  • My friends of all genders are open and understanding. I guess the lack of understanding of them and how fertility works.
  • I hate when men don’t.
  • That it's not actually that painful or an excuse to take time off or be less productive than usual. My periods used to consistently make me vomit from the pain and nausea every month when I was a teenager. If those symptoms were caused by e.g. an infection rather than my period, then I think people would have been much more sympathetic and not just expected me to carry on as normal. Also just men acting awkward as soon as you mention being on your period, like they don't want to talk about it and I shouldn't have brought it up. It makes me feel embarrassed and ashamed when I know there's no reason to!
  • When I was younger my brothers would laugh at my pain and I would feel like I had a condition that made me inferior to them.
  • It's not something big and serious – well if you ever felt the pain, it's like they’re stabbing you I guess.
  • “I don’t want to hear about that…”
  • “It's natural.”
  • They are natural and all women have them so they must be manageable.
  • Being constantly scared you're going to bleed through your clothes.
  • I don't hear enough, it's not talked about by men.
  • It’s more the implication that women should just get on with it. Period pain is usually the worst thing I go through in a year – and I get migraines.
  • Some people still thinking you can hold it in like pee! It is very much a free flow situation!
  • The fact that they compare it to other pain or inconveniences – you just have to listen, not try and one up me on a pain scale!
  • That they are disgusting, or they can't be that painful.
  • “Get over it, you're over-exaggerating.”
  • It also comes from women who don't have the same experience by the way.
  • “You're moody, are you due on?”
  • Don't understand that you feel sick, or unable to attend a night out or a day of walking. Especially coming from women who don't experience pain, because they discredit our experience, whilst men just don't understand or ignore it.
  • It's PMS – PRE, before, not during. The blues mostly stops the day I start my period.
  • “It can’t be worse than getting hit in the bollocks.” Or “Is it your time of month” if you’re ever annoyed.
  • They think it’s purely about the period. She’s emotional because she’s on her period. It really isn’t just about the few days that you actually bleed for, it’s the whole menstrual cycle. My body, brain and hormones are affected week on week by the entire cycle and it’s a lot to navigate. And it’s continuous and it’s different for every woman.
  • That getting punched in the balls is so much more painful than period pains.
  • Silence.
  • Most men have no idea of what a period even actually is, what happens and why.
  • “It’s not that bad.” “You’re just being dramatic.”
  • Period jokes. "Someone's on their period!" etc.
  • I can't say anyone really talks about it too much.
  • I’m most annoyed by the lack of knowledge men have about periods. Otherwise, I’m fortunate enough not to have experienced any annoying period comments.
  • "Oooh, she must be on her period" when someone is slightly grumpy. She may well be doubled up in pain and still having to go about her day. Also "It can't be that bad". Yes it can, we just get used to it.
  • “Can't hurt that much.” Or “Being kicked in the balls is worse for a guy!” (No it isn’t, unless you get constantly kicked in the balls for an entire week every month.)
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