
How much does it cost you a month?

  • £5
  • £5-8
  • A couple of pounds.
  • Fraction of a mooncup – £2
  • £5-10
  • Not much because I use reusables, but they were a £60 outlay and I have to buy new ones every year or so.
  • Less than £1.
  • Menstrual cup is the same for the last 5 years and was free at uni, so only the painkillers that I take.
  • Nothing, I use menstrual cups.
  • Nothing (use a cup) which is the best thing ever!
  • £30
  • £15
  • £5?
  • Nothing – now I’m on the coil. Had the mooncup before.
  • £5-10
  • €15-20 on pain killers and other items from the pharmacy. I use a menstrual cup but if I used other products it would be more.
  • It depends, but I strongly believe period products should be free for anyone who menstruates!
  • £0 as I use reusables.
  • £5-8 on tampons.
  • Not sure.
  • £5-ish, it depends. I’m trying to move away from sanitary products and invest in clothing like modibodi which is around £25.
  • $10
  • My flat looks like a Boots store as I buy tampons in bulk so I haven't bought them in some time, and in the last year purchased a reusable applicator. Trying to bring the overall cost and landfill down from the products I choose.
  • Maybe €5-10 on tampons and pads.
  • At a guess around £5 for painkillers and tampons.
  • I don't use tampons, nor cups. It costs me €15 max.
  • Really good question €15-30, let's say.
  • £8 with Ohne products (monthly subscription). Solid £10 on painkillers that don’t work. A lot on different foods that I either consume or end up wasting as I never know what I’ll be craving or able to physically stomach. Sometimes gimmicky ‘remedies’ like THC oil for my back or air steamers or electro-pads.
  • Mooncups have saved me so much money! A £15 one-off investment for 5 years worth of periods.
  • I go for special offers but about £10 a month.
  • £7
  • Not much – I use reusable cups and pants. CBD oil cost me £30 a bottle lasting about 2-3 months. Painkillers around £2-5 per month.
  • Not much if I’m honest. £5?
  • I use a menstrual cup now so not much unless I get caught out and it comes unexpectedly. If I bleed through underwear or trousers and can't get the stain out it might cost me those.
  • The cost of the pill (free in the UK but not in other countries).
  • Unsure probably £10-20
  • Around €8-10 for tampons 🤔
  • More in case you can't work when you are sickly or taking days off work. And when you're a freelancer like me there's no money coming in.
  • With painkillers and Tampax around £6.
  • £12
  • Not much – I use a cup/period underwear so no cost once I have those.
  • £2-10
  • Too much.
  • Ah very little – I don’t bleed much and I have a pair of period pants that I use when I first come on. They were expensive though, like £40.
  • Maybe like £5-10 a month, but I usually buy a few boxes of tampons at the one time so that I have a little stockpile
  • Just talking pads probably around £5 a month.
  • About £8 a month excluding snacks.
  • I usually have my period quite weak so I’d transition from using tampons to rolling up toilet paper and trying to follow the free flow philosophy, where you time your toilet visits with period flows.
  • That depends on how heavy it is, but can be as much as £25-30 if you factor in things like foods that I crave etc.
  • £0. I invested in a menstrual cup and a hot water bottle. The cup lasts you for approx. 10 years.
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