
Does it feel good to have sex while on your period?

  • Yes, sex and masturbation ease period pain.
  • No idea. It's the least sexiest time of my life.
  • Yes – but messy!
  • Yes, generally more sensitive but again not something that many men are confident in doing in my experience.
  • Depends on the month and the time in the cycle. Sometimes your vagina and vulva can both feel sensitive and sore and you wouldn’t want to have sex then – but other times your hormones are going crazy and it feels great (if messy lol).
  • No and anyone who says yes is lying!!! One of my friends uses an external vibrator as pain relief when she’s on as orgasms really help her pain but penetrative sex is a big no as your almost a bit swollen down there and the blood is grim.
  • It feels good, but I don't really enjoy it because I'm worried about the blood being everywhere and always being in my head trying to be careful.
  • Not for me, it’s agony.
  • Depends what stage of my cycle. At the beginning I cramp more so I wouldn’t want to have sex. Towards the end I would and it is no different really, sex feels good. It can just be more messy…!
  • Yes! Really can help a lot with the pain, but getting in the mood while on your period can be the hardest part.
  • Can do. Can not do. Depends on mood.
  • I think so, you get more horny and it's nice being wanted during a time that people find gross.
  • Not sure it feels great, but you can have more sex drive on your period.
  • No, please.
  • I don't usually do this, there are definitely parts of your cycle when you're more up for it though – usually around ovulation time (for obvious reasons!).
  • Sometimes.
  • I don't find it any better or worse, just a little messier!
  • Yes.
  • I have never tried.
  • Never have.
  • It can get messy, but some people don't mind. It's a personal preference I guess.
  • I generally only have sex during the early/light days. Sex during heavier days can feel too wet, but I don’t mind the mess.
  • I don’t as I’m too embarrassed.
  • Yes, it can even help to ease cramps.
  • For me, I don’t think there is much difference.
  • Sometimes, but it feels gross because you feel bloated.
  • It's pretty good to be fair, as it's free lubricant! But sometimes I'm focused on it so it means I can't fully let myself go as I'm worried about it being a mess.
  • No idea, but the hormone response may reduce pain from cramps and bloating.
  • I personally don't enjoy it on Day 1 (too uncomfortable and messy). Later on is fine, but overall I'm not a big fan of mess so would rather not for practical reasons
  • When you’re on the first days of the period it is so messy that I rather not anymore. I’ve tried, but generally men freak out a bit with all that blood.
  • It makes me feel like I’m broken and I’m disgusting.
  • Just as much as it does any other time of the month! But it can sometimes be hard to enjoy it properly if you're worrying about getting blood everywhere.
  • I like it.
  • It's surely not healthy I think and I wouldn't like it if it means blood all over. Never on the first days only at the end days and now never on period in general!
  • On the right day (i.e. not day 2-4 when I’m dead to the world) it can be amazing. But for me, the person has to be totally unbothered by the blood/general state of my exhausted menstrual body.
  • I feel quite physically and emotionally vulnerable on my period, so for me it's a bit overwhelming.
  • Yes.
  • Wanking and orgasm feels great as a painkiller. Penetration can be quite nice if I’m not in pain.
  • Yes.
  • Not tried it — yet!
  • No penetration on day one, but receiving an orgasm with cramps is a bloody good cure :)
  • No.
  • Definitely can feel very good!
  • Yes, orgasms definitely help cramps and mood. Also, there's obviously a lot of natural lubricant.
  • Yuck no, if anyone touches me I'll bite their head off.
  • Depends on the person. I heard it can be helpful/alleviate pain – but also there's increased sensitivity (which can mean more pain).
  • I'm not so relaxed then and it depends how I feel. But I feel like having sex more around a week before my period starts. I'm more horny then than usual most of the time.
  • Sometimes, if the pain isn’t too bad, and it's gentle the rocking and release of endorphins can help.
  • Yes actually! It's like, the blood doubles as a lubricant? Sorry if that's awkward – haha!
  • Actually it does, it helps with cramps too. But I prefer masturbating then as the blood makes my boyfriend feel a little uncomfortable I think.
  • It depends on the cycle – sometimes sex during your period can feel quite relieving.
  • Yes!!!
  • Not for me.
  • Yes, as long as I’m not having period pains.
  • Yes, but not when I’m cramping.
  • Never tried it.
  • I've never tried so I couldn't tell you.
  • My husband's hands go lame at the sight of blood. It's also not something I'm keen on cleaning up afterwards. I'd have to change the sheets. Sounds a right mess.
  • Not for me. It all becomes a bit numb.
  • I've never done it, because my vagina has a big "no entry" sign over it during my period – I couldn't feel less sexy if I tried! I'm not even curious what period sex feels like. Everyone can just throw chocolate and blankets then stay away.
  • Never done it. I know some people enjoy it, however, it's not for me. I feel grumpy and groggy and don't feel like having sex on my period!
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