
Do you get shades of blood? What do they mean?

  • No.
  • Darker brown/red at the start, bright red in the middle, darker at the end. Not really sure what it means but I presume it’s something to do with oxygen levels?
  • Brown beginning, red middle, pink end.
  • Yes. Darker red at the beginning and end of period but brighter during the main stages of my period.
  • Yes, they tend to be brighter and lighter at the start of the period, then a bit darker towards the end.
  • I use a menstrual cup so it always looks grim when you pour it down the sink as I think red glooop, but at the end it’s a little darker.
  • Yes, I think it’s related to the cycle, when I first get my period it’s light and bright red and it gets darker till my period stops.
  • It’s mostly dark.
  • Yes. Different points of your cycle. Lighter, heavier, just starting or finishing.
  • Older/fresher cells?!
  • Very dark means it took longer to come out I believe?
  • Mostly red, but used to get darker clumps and brown.
  • Yep.
  • Yes, more fresh red at start, darker towards end and then brown.
  • Yes, usually dependent on the oxygen content of the blood.
  • Oh yeah, the shade changes throughout like a beautiful bloody rainbow. From bright red to deep red to brownish.
  • Usually bright red at the beginning, then getting darker towards the end or even brown. I think it's something to do with the blood being older?
  • The first few days are brown/light red, and the final few days are very dark red.
  • Darker during heavy flow and lighter towards the end.
  • Pinkish-red to brown. Sometimes mixed with discharge at the start can make more pink. Red is full flow. Brown period means it’s coming to an end.
  • Yes! I guess the brighter is the more fresh the blood? Towards the end of my period it seems to get darker.
  • Yes,
  • I'm a very healthy red, which means all is good! Brown towards the end due to oxygenation.
  • Brighter red blood at the start, which is fresher. Darker blood towards the end, which is older blood that has oxidised.
  • Redish – beginning of cycle. Deep dark red – middle of cycle. Brownish – cycle is ending.
  • Changes start, middle & the end.
  • Just between the deep dark red at the start and the lighter more browny-red at the tail end which I assume is the case because of reduced flow and blood having longer to oxidise…
  • Bright red – fresh blood. Brown – older blood. Deep dark red – clotting
  • Yes, fresh blood is red and end of period blood is rusty.
  • Yes, depending on where you are in your cycle – it's more brown later in the period.
  • Yes, I don’t know what they mean… I should probably find out.
  • Not really.
  • Yes.
  • Yes – bright red tends to be near the beginning and dark red or brown towards the end.
  • Dark and clumpy, bright red, light pink, brown. They don't mean anything, they just are.
  • Yes, and I'm honestly not sure!
  • Usually what stage in your period you're at.
  • Yes, old blood is brown at the start and/or end. Sometimes lighter and pink when blood is mixed with vaginal fluids at the start/end. Darker red in the middle which is normal blood flow.
  • Yes, pink to start then heavy dark then bright red then back to pink and then watery brownish at the end. I understand that it’s just the way the lining comes away.
  • Yes, the brown-ish blood is at the beginning and end of my period.
  • Yes. Blood red to brown.
  • Yes – sometimes blood can be really dark and sometimes it’s nuclear! I'm not really sure what this means...
  • Sorry I don’t understand the question.
  • Yes, a whole rainbow which indicates which stage it’s at.
  • Pink red at the beginning, blood red during when I’m properly on and brown red at the end.
  • At the start of a period it’s standard red blood, but by the end it’s more of a brown shade. Maybe because it’s older blood at the end.
  • Yes, I get a bright red and a dark red. Dark red means that your flow is slower or you’re a few days into the cycle. As far as I'm aware.
  • Darker blood towards the end as I slowly stop shedding the lining of my uterus.
  • The shades of red change slightly depending on the day of my period.
  • You often get really dark red bits which are clots. My periods are really irregular so when I do get them they tend to be incredibly heavy, and there's a lot of dark red.
  • Everyone does. It's about how 'fresh' the blood is, at the beginning of the cycle it will be bright red, at the end it will be more brown.
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